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Building resilient cities together
Green Infrastructure isn't a new concept. But as we take steps to make our cities more sustainable, it must be taken into greater consideration.
More than adding greenery to urban developments – Green Urbanisation is about mimicking or working with the natural water cycle, which can often be hugely disrupted in urban areas due to vast impermeable surfaces. A water management approach like this delivers multifunctional benefits that help reduce the impact of climate change, while improving the health and wellbeing of city residents. Put simply, there can be no green without blue.
Flood mitigation, rainwater storage, reusable resources and innovative ways to encourage trees, vegetation and biodiversity should all be a part of a project design.
Polypipe water management solutions - Managing water for a greener, more resilient city
To help you get the best from your next project by including green infrastructure, speak to a Polypipe expert about all of the solutions on offer. We can provide useful information about the challenges the construction industry faces with climate change and urbanisation – whilst demonstrating resilient solutions simply by making space for water.
Contact usSolving the problem with Polypipe
Our experts have a deep understanding of the water management issues facing Middle Eastern cities. We've responded by developing products for successful blue-green infrastructure with multifunctional benefits, which we’ve outlined below.
Surface water management
With hard man-made surfaces dominating our cities, managing run-off from heavy rainfall is vital to mitigating the risk of surface-water flooding. That’s why we’ve designed and manufactured systems to act as soakaways or to capture water at source and store it below and above ground.
How we do it
Our leading water management systems are designed to effectively support blue-green infrastructure. Our engineered SuDS have been designed to work as an effective solution, either on their own or integrated with soft SuDS – providing controlled retention, attenuation and infiltration at source and further afield. These are some of the ways we can make it happen with the support of our specialist design, planning, products and systems.
- Green-Blue Roofs
- Rainwater Interception
- Filter Strips
- Filter Drains
- Permeable Paving
- Swales
- Bioretention & Rain Gardens
- Trees
- Attenuation Storage Tanks
- Infiltration Systems
- Detention Basins
- Ponds & Wetlands
- Cycle Paths
- Podium Decks
- Sports Pitches
- Treatment Systems
Case Studies

Layan residential development
Polypipe's Polystorm provides a reliable soakaway system to mitigate flood events.
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Dubai's Kent College
Polypipe's Polystorm sits beneath the school grounds and provides a reliable soakaway solution.
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National Bank of Oman
Polypipe's Polystorm and Permavoid geocellular solutions were chosen over traditional solutions to manage stormwater.
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