Growing Happiness – how planting trees in urban areas can improve well-being
Saturday 8th December 2018

With the continued need to conserve water and increase wellbeing, wildlife and aesthetics back into our cities, trees and plants are a more precious commodity than ever.
The loss of parks, sports pitches, playgrounds and other amenities has a proven adverse effect on human wellbeing. Research shows we recover faster from illness when we have access to such spaces – reducing the cost of healthcare. Also, limited access to open green spaces, trees and nature in general is associated with a lower life expectancy. Simply having a view of a tree through a window, for example, is enough to lower stress and blood pressure.
If you need convincing of why you should plant trees in your new development, then read on.
We strive to achieve positive outcomes like these, designing products that protect and allow inner-city trees to thrive as part of a drainage system, for example.
Our solutions include innovative ways to encourage trees, vegetation and biodiversity. Our Permavoid system is ideal for shallow ground level sites whereby large trees can be planted; with root systems contained and managed and helping towards passive irrigation with Polypipe Capillary Cones.
1. Rain intercepted via permeable paving and rain garden to reduce run-off.
2. Geotextile removes oil and other road contaminants.
3. Polystorm system stores and attenuates water preventing flooding from above natural ponds.
4. Permavoid units provide space for water and use Capillary Cones to irrigate trees above.
5. Air gap to allow roots room to grow without causing damage to surface and protects roots from damage.
6. Helps cool through evaporation and shading.
7. Soil is naturally recharged with water and also helps cool with evaporation.
8. Natural swales controlled using Permavoid units beneath to store and attenuate.
Contact us today to discuss the transformative solutions for your project:
Tel: +971 (0) 4 518 3000