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Polypipe awarded 8th consecutive Gold RoSPA Award for health and safety ac...
Organisations receiving a RoSPA Award are recognised as being world-leaders in health and safety...
There's no green without blue
Polypipe Middle East enjoys yacht cruise with team and clients
Polypipe Middle East wins at Qatar Sustainability Awards 2020
Our water management solution, Permavoid, is awarded by Qatar Green Building Council
Polypipe Middle East celebrates 60 years in the region with a Gala evening
Celebrating people and partnerships
Cost effective water and energy conservation "with A Twist"
Polypipe Middle East sponsors SoPHE technical presentation
Polypipe Middle East and SoPHE explore "designing drainage without co...
Another successful SoPHE event
Polypipe Middle East appoints new Managing Director and new Sales Director
Promotions at Polypipe Middle East